Update released 1.1

Hi everyone!

Firstly, thank you so much for all of the feedback on The Gaunt! It’s been so much fun making the game and watching people’s reactions after completing it.

I’ve just pushed the first update live. It included a few small fixes to some of the gameplay elements, along with some graphical changes that are more vanity than anything else.

  • Updated credits screen with music attribution;
  • Updated start screen with new logo;
  • Updated end screen with new logo;
  • Repositioned NPCs in the Town to avoid the player getting stuck after entering and exiting the stats screen;
  • Repositioned NPCs in the Forest to avoid the player getting stuck after entering and exiting the stats screen;
  • Reworded several lines of dialogue.

Happy playing!


The Gaunt (Game Boy ROM) 256 kB
13 days ago
The Gaunt Play in browser
13 days ago

Get The Gaunt


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I'm working on the 1.2 update, which should be ready by early next week.